Monday, May 14, 2012

To kind mothers of all kinds.

To all mother's out there,who we must cherish everyday,
I salute them now and here,
For they are our love most dear.

They gave and taught us life,
They bound our scrapes of flesh and heart,
They told us what we mustn't do,
And scold us when we did those too.

And when they, absent, were,
Another sometimes took their place,
Who might not have brought us in their womb,
But who loved us deep and true.

For there are mothers of all kinds,
Some who have never had a child,
Some who reared someone else's young,
Some who took in those alone.

So I salute you all,
The ones who carried us form the start,
The ones who took us after a while,
The ones who substituted in time of need,
The ones who taught us: "do good deeds",
The ones who loved us all along,
The ones who waited for us to come home,
The ones who worried when we were sick,
The ones who made our meals so quick,
The ones who shared our joy and tears,
The ones who washed away our fears.

To all of you,
Mothers of the world.
We love you all.

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