Monday, April 30, 2012

Focus and Frames

There are a thousand ways,
To see what we are seeing,
The way we focus on an image,
Says a lot about ourselves.
The way we experience life,
Is filtered through our mind's lense,
We blur some parts, and crop away,
The things we want to hide.
We focus extra sharply,
And frame only those few scenes,
That we believe to have been,
Elemental to who we are.
Yet, at times, we only focus on,
Our weakness and insecurities,
our pain, our faults, our passing woes,
and print a picture that's quite bleak.
So it's always good to have,
A second look at all your frames,
To make sure you have not cropped away,
All the good and great that's really there.
For we must not forget dear friend,
That the way we focus is, after all,
A counsious or unconscious act,
Over which we'll always have editorial control.

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