A goal is but a line we draw,
At that place we want to be,
Just far away to be in sight,
Yet hard to get to without some might.
Just like I have said right above,
You must want to meet your goal,
Because, if you do not care enough,
You'll bail out when it gets though.
Your goal should make you smile inside,
It should make you long for it,
So that all the time appart,
Makes you work hard to close that gap.
People sometimes set their goal,
To mark where others want to be,
Those are empty goals at best,
Once they get there they're bereft.
Your goals should be yours at heart,
Even when you share them all,
They must have meaning you can find,
And fill your soul and seize your mind.
So, go out into the world today,
And draw those goal lines far and wide.
By setting them you'd have begun,
To start the path to get them done.
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