Sunday, January 13, 2013

If you like these posts you will Love this Book

The original posts for A Dash of Light a Day, can be found in eBook form. It has poems on love, life and happiness. Each post is preceded by a photograph that sets the mood or complements the verses.

If you would like a Kindle digital copy of A Dash of Light a Day, you can go the Amazon website. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and taking the pictures.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Aunque no entiendan

Cuando no entiendan tu visión,
O tu esfuerzo dejen de valorar,
No te dejes desalentar,
El tiempo te dará la razón.
Toma su desdén como lección,
Y ajusta tus expectativas.
Pero no te des por vencida,
Y sigue tu intuición,
De seguir haciendo lo mejor,
Aunque lo hagas a escondidas.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Why is it so hard to do,
What we know needs be done?
Why is it so easy to put aside,
That which makes us sweat,
Toil, and fray, and grunt,
Tire, and strain, and pain,
Struggle, and heave, and grind?
Yet as many have said before,
In life, the things that are hard to do,
Are the only ones worthwhile.


Que fácil es dejar de hacer,
Lo que trabajo nos da,
Dejando al lado para olvidar,
Y así no tener que sudar,
Pensar, atender, resolver,
Traer, llevar, empujar,
Arreglar, limpiar, mantener,
Remplazar, escribir, o crear.
Pero ya lo han dicho otros,
Que en el la vida solo aquello que,
Nos da trabajo realizar,
Es lo que vale la pena hacer.

Closing the day - Picture

Closing the day - F.Santiago